Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Vote of Thanks by Ugyen Wangmo T on 02/09/2023

Good afternoon to you all,
Esteemed guest speaker, principal, Vice principal and my dear colleagues. I on behalf of cohort 3 would like to thank you all for making your presence to this meeting. Let me take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed guest Mr. Tshering Dorji for gracing us with your presence and for an incredibly inspiring and thought-provoking session today. We are truly honored to have your presence to share your knowledge, insights, and expertise with us despite your busy schedule.
We are truly inspired by the ability you possess to very interestingly articulate many aspects and principles of effective leadership. Your ability to connect us with various real-world examples have provided us with a deeper understanding on our roles as leaders in the classroom and beyond. Your emphasis on the importance of fostering leadership qualities in our students has resonated deeply and will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on our educational community.
Your energetic and vivacious presentation has not only enriched our professional development but also has unleashed the dragon inside all of us, igniting immense passion and enthusiasm in nurturing and fostering the future leaders of our country. Thank you sir.
Next, I would also like to thank our vice principal for your enlightening words about our school's culture and management structure. Your insightful presentation today has shed light on the importance of fostering a positive and inclusive environment within our educational institution.
Furthermore, Babesa HSS family is really fortunate to have our new principal joining us who not only recognizes the significance of school culture but actively works towards its enhancement. Therefore On behalf of the school I want to express my gratitude to both our principals for your inspirational words and your tireless efforts in shaping our school's culture and climate. We are inspired and motivated to contribute to this positive atmosphere and continue to strive for excellence under your guidance.
I would also like to thank our school counselor for the invaluable work you've done in analyzing and sharing the school wellbeing data and findings. Your dedication to understanding and improving the wellbeing of our students is truly commendable. The insights you've provided through your research have shed light on crucial aspects of our students' lives, helping all of us better understand their needs and challenges.
Lastly, I would like to thank our vice principal sir again for taking your time in arranging this beautiful venue for this third review meeting. We really needed a change of environment such as this. Similarly, to all the members of the third cohort and the staff of Babesa HSS for making this meeting a successful and meaningful one.
Thank you and I hope you will enjoy your lunch la. Happy weekend.
~ vote of a thanks by Ma’am Ugyen Wangmo Tenzin
~ Chaired by Sir Chencho Tshering.


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