Role of class teachers:

Class Teachers (This is the most important of all the responsibilities in the school)

  1. Maintain class students’ personal bio data.
  2. Maintain students’ daily attendance record.
  3. Take attendance whenever there is work or other programs and follow up on the absentees.
  4. Oversee classroom management (Cleanliness, Conducive learning atmosphere)
  5. Monitor class SUPW and maintain record.
  6. Mediate between students, parents and administration.
  7. Check health and hygiene of students regularly.
  8. Collect and submit students’ fees to the concerned finance in-charges.
  9. Be responsible for classroom social behavior and code of conduct.
  10. Act as a role model for the students to promote wholesome education.
  11. Be a guide, mentor and counselor to your students.
  12. Report on needy students to the school welfare committee so that the student receive necessary attention/ help on time.
  13. Facilitate issuance and collection of text books.
  14. Preparation of consolidated/individual results.
  15. Coordinate class activities and programs.
  16. Be a member of the discipline committee concerning the class member.
  17. Sign the log book at the end of the day and submit it to the principal. 
  18. Fill up the leave chit for the student/s on leave which is to be attached in the class logbook.
  19. Contact parent/guardians of the student/s absent in the class without any information.


1. Full Name:-…………………………………………….… Class/Sec…………                               

2. Date of Birth:-……………………….………   Age:-………..……     Sex:-……..……

3. I.D Card No. :-………………………..…… House……………      Club: …………….

4. Student code No: ………………………………………….

5. Religion……………………………………………………

6. Name of the Previous School: - 

7. Date/year of Admission to this School:-……………… Admission No.:-………………

8. Father‘s Name: - ……………………………… ………………………………………

Occupation………………………………………. Contact No………………………..

9. Mother’s Name:-………………………………………………………………………..

Occupation………………………………………. Contact No………………………..

10. Are your parents together/divorced/single:-……………………………………………….

11. Permanent Address:-



Dzongkhag: ………………………………………………..

House No:-…………………………………………Thram No.:-………….…  

12. Present address of  parents/local guardian

Name: …………………………………………………………………

Relation with student: ………………………………………………

Address: …………………………………………………………………

Contact No: ……………………………………………………..

12. Health Problem: YES/NO,   If YES, please specify…………………………………….

Signature of student:                                             Name & signature of class teacher


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